Service Schedule
Erev Sukkot - Wednesday, October 16
Evening Services
First Day of Sukkot - Thursday, October 17
Morning Services
Evening Services
Second Day of Sukkot - Friday, October 18
Morning Services
Evening Services
6:13 pm
6:13 pm
9:00 am
7:12 pm
6:00 pm
9:00 am
6:00 pm
Sukkot Events
Shabbat Dinner at the Meierdorfs
For Families with Teens
Friday, October 18
Join the the Meiersdorfs for an informal dinner in their sukkah.
Family Service and Sukkah Hop
Saturday, October 19
10:45 am Family Service
12:00 pm Sukkah hop
Meet in the Adath Israel Sukkah and walk to the Meiersdorfs' sukkah for a yummy dessert. Free, everyone welcome.
New Members Night in the Sukkah
Sunday, October 20 at 4:30 pm
A warm welcome to all our new Adath Israel members and their families.