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Renewal at Home and Rebuilding in Israel

Adath Israel Double Ko’ach Campaign 2024 • 5785


Supporting our congregation and state of Israel has never been more important. We appreciate all who have supported, and encourage everyone to give what they can. To learn more about where your money is going, please watch this short video on the left:

Strengthening Our Communities in Challenging Times

A little over four months ago, participants of the Adath Israel-JNF Solidarity Mission stood in the heart of Kibbutz Kissufim, a place forever changed by the tragic events of October 7th. There, we met 24-year-old Tomer Zak, whose life was shattered that day. Her parents, Itay and Etti, and her 15-year-old brother, Sagi, were murdered by Hamas terrorists who burned their home around them, trapping the family in their saferoom.

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Sharing the Load Under the Stretcher

In the IDF, there’s a drill that symbolizes unity: four soldiers carry a wounded soldier on a stretcher through difficult terrain. This exercise not only tests endurance but teaches a powerful lesson on unity of purpose. Each soldier takes hold of a corner, knowing that if one falters, the stretcher can drop and the weight become overwhelming.

After October 7th, all of Israel united with this same sense of responsibility—to take their place under the stretcher. In the face of tragedy, the nation came together to share the burden and ensure no one was left behind.

During our Adath Israel Solidarity Mission to Israel, we met Ben, a 21-year-old lone soldier from South Africa. He was recovering from injuries sustained while serving in the Special Forces Oketz Canine Unit, after having survived an ambush in Gaza. Tragically, his dog was killed, and Ben was shot seven times. His fellow soldiers evacuated him quickly, and miraculously, 49 minutes later, he was receiving life-saving trauma care back in a hospital in Israel.

Despite his injuries, Ben remained optimistic, telling us that his wheelchair was temporary. He was focused on attending the burial ceremony for his dog, who had saved his life and the lives of those in his unit.

Ben’s story reminds us of the power of unity of purpose—an idea that resonates in this year’s Double Ko’ach Campaign. Adath Israel Congregation and Kibbutz Kissufim both need your support.

Whether large or small, every donation counts. Just as soldiers work together to carry the stretcher, your contribution helps carry our community forward. Together, we can strengthen our community here and help rebuild in Israel.


Remembering Reuven Heinik z"l

Thank you to everyone who has supported this year’s Double Ko’ach Campaign in support of Adath Israel Congregation and Kibbutz Kissufim. We received an overwhelming response from the congregation during our Rosh Hashanah appeal one week ago. We are confident that with your support we will reach our campaign goal of $300,000. 

Last night over 600 people attended our community concert featuring Cantor Alex Stein and Cantor Shai Abramson, Chief Chazzan of the State of Israel. During the concert we were able to raised just under $9,000 in spontaneous donations online! 

As we celebrate the success of our campaign thus far, we pause to remember those we have lost in the past year, among them Reuven Heinik, the dairy farm manager from Kibbutz Kissufim.

On October 9th, 2023, two days after the attack and concerned for the well-being of the cows on Kibbutz Kissufim, Reuven received approval from the IDF to go to the kibbutz dairy to tend the cows. Tragically, two Hamas terrorists were hiding in the barn and murdered Reuven.

As we prepare for Yom Kippur, may we remember Reuven Heinik z”l and all those who we have lost since October 7th.  

If you have not made a Ko’ach donation to this year’s campaign, consider doing so in memory of those who we have lost. Together we can help in the rebuilding of Kibbutz Kissufim and support one another in our congregation.

As we prepare for Yom Kippur, we unite in prayer for the speedy and safe return of all those held hostage.

G’mar Chatima Tova,
Adath Israel Congregation

Tue, 11 March 2025 11 Adar 5785